October 20, 2009

Year of Sanitation

2008 was declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations as the International Year of Sanitation (IYS). Why? Because at the current rate of progress, too many countries will not reach the 2015 MDG sanitation target, that is to halve the number of people without access to basic sanitation, before 2026. And "because everyone and that means ALL the people in the world, has the right to a healthy life and a life with dignity. In other words: everyone has the right to sanitation", according to His Royal Highness Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.
Therefore, the IYS is a unique opportunity to contribute to raise awareness and promote sanitation at all levels, from the world's political agenda to each and single household, and to put the global community on track.
In order to encourage focused advocacy activities, the UN-Water Task Force on Sanitation prepared an advocacy and media kit in English, French and Spanish. Members from the UNICEF, WHO, WSP, UNEP, UNDP, UN-HABITAT, FAO, UNU, UNSGAB and WSSCC are part of this task force coordinated by the UNICEF.
The kit includes: fact-sheets, a booklet with the five key messages, a communication matrix, the official IYS poster, an advocacy guide for sanitation, a compilation of useful web links, talking points, a PowerPoint presentation and a USB stick with interviews, resource-materials and photos (please scroll down for links to download these documents).
The kit targets policy-makers and aims to provide them with the resources they need to take decisions and act. Its objective is as well to reach out to journalists, within the strong belief that the media is a key player in the sanitation struggle, because it can positively influence policy and behavioral change at all levels. And finally, this kit targets all the sanitation actors and advocates, from business people, to religious leaders, NGOs, teachers, communities and households.
Be it health, economic benefits, dignity and social development, or the protection of the environment, all of them are concerned, whatever the angle of approach to sanitation.
The five key messages of the IYS are the following:
1.Sanitation is vital for human health
2.Sanitation generates economic benefits
3.Sanitation contributes to dignity and social development
4.Sanitation helps the environment
5.Improving sanitation is achievable
The aim of the kit is to help bring about change in the lives of the 2.6 billion people who currently lack access to adequate sanitation. It provides the latest statistics, advocacy and communication tips, resource-materials and links to places where more information can be found in English, French and Spanish.
It is an International Year of Sanitation tool. Stronger commitments are needed. Action time is now.


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